The Outer Sphere

The Outer Sphere

I am rather proud of this mix. It starts dance-y, it gets pretty, and then it leaves you feeling “aaaaaaah.” I guess it’s a nice “demo”nstration of my track range: from hard-hitting beats to melodic progressive. Please enjoy!

Thank you, Philip Evans, for the marvelous album art.


I’m stuck in my cave. Dissertation is nearing. Forcing myself into exile. What’s this? Turntables? Rust covered turntables…squeaky wheels of steel. Time for some WD40.

It’s progressive, it’s electro. It’s me. Next time I’ll stick to one or the other, but for now enjoy some sonic schizophrenia.



Working titles included “Chillahu Akhbar” and “Chillam Mafendi.”  Track selection by Corvidae, mixing influenced by Frozen Horse.  Intended as the soundtrack to your trip “out there” as a prelude to the “uncompromising beats.”

I am not dead.

A little somethin-somethin to show that I still live and breathe.  Not stellar, but consider it a stopgap until I release my 2009 electro and prog demos.



I haven’t really been playing much, and I think it shows.  Or is audible.  Trying to get back in the swing of things.  Here’s something I did tonight.  If nothing else, it has some good tracks.

The Morning After

Hungover, coming down, slept rough, and feeling like it was worth it. Finally time to kick the shoes off and reflect on events. So many mornings, only a few can be called the morning after…

Primal Scream – I’m Coming Down

Bombay Dub Orchestra – Feel

Modern Relics – The Shipping Forecast II

Moby – Anthem (cinematic mix)

The Art of Noise – Out of This World

Fila Brasilia – Soft Music Under Stars

Primal Scream – Higher Than the Sun (a dub symphony in two parts)

Katcha – Touched By God (quiet storm mix)

Orbital – Are We Here?

Bjork – All is Full of Love (plaid mix)

Bombay Dub Orchestra – Compassion (continental drift mix)

Banco de Gaia – Kara Kum

Near Edge

Fun mix I did the other day after weeks of inactivity.  Pretty much sums up the type of stuff I’ve focused on playing out.  Probably will wind up being my “demo.”  Also likely the last thing under the alias “Cupric” since people keep telling me that my given name is perfectly good.  I agree, it’s sorta grown on me.  Enjoy the choons.


First of many contributions: Vibronic Coupling

Just messing around a few months ago, wanted to supplement my wax page with a more aggressive mix. Don’t have a track list, can furnish upon request. This is almost what I’m hoping to play out, but my tracks are moving even further away from progressive toward electro and techhouse. Hope this is enjoyable!


Also have a more laid back mix called “Equilibria” up on WaxDj. Eventually I’ll find better hosting for direct linking of mixes.